Exploratory projects

Exploratory projects

You will find exploratory projects arranged by year in the table, and by topic below.

DateAcronymProject titleCoordinators
2024 - 2025COMICStudying cyanobacteria–bacteria interactions in the phycosphere using in silico modelling and multi-omics in agrifood systemsBinta DIEME
2024 - 2025MIMISIPIMetagenomics and metatranscriptomics of gut microbiota within the context of dysbiosis induced by Salmonella super shedding in pigsFlorent KEMPF
2024 - 2025MUCINETEvaluating the predictive power of the mucin–microbiome interaction in livestockNuria MACH CASELLAS
2024 - 2025PROCYABIOTEMicrobiota management and a strategy for biological denitrification inhibition (BDI): using procyanidins in plants of agronomic and/or horticultural interestAmélie CANTAREL
Florence PIOLA
2023-2024MOtheRSMonitoring the gut microbiota, resistance against salmonella, the animal performance and immune response through an adult pathogen-free floraFlorent KEMPF
2022-2023INT-BXLIntrogression of the biodegradation capacities of xenobiotics in polluted soils and sedimentsAymé SPOR, Stéphane PESCE
2022-2023MOMIEModulation of the oral microbiota by the technological microbiota of a fermented foodEric NEYRAUD, Philippe GERARD
2021EggToMeatProof of concept and construction of a project to identify the impact of farming parameters on bacterial flux in the production of broilersMonique ZAGOREC
2020-2021EnterotyPigGut microbiota enterotypes in pigs: detailed characterisation and influence of host genetics on holobiont assemblyClaire ROGEL-GAILLARD
2020-2021HOLOBROMMaternal effects and environmental filtering of microbial fluxes from parent plants to their offspringCéline LEROY
2020-2021HolopigUnraveling the role of gut microbiota-derived metabolites in neonatal programming of intestinal epithelial cells by primocolonizing bacteria in pigletsMartin BEAUMONT
2020-2021HOUSEThe plant-microbiota holobiont in the rhizosphere: a selection unit?Manuel BLOUIN
2020-2021µFlyAdaptRole of plant-microbiota interactions in the adaptation of a pest insect to its hostChristophe MOUGEL
2020-2021MicroWeanAltered vertical microbiota transmission due to early weaning and its effects on host healthRebeca MARTIN ROSIQUE

In this folder

Projet exploratoire COMIC © INRAE

Global change has led to a rise in cyanobacteria blooms, which come with serious health, environmental and economic consequences: degradation of ecosystem biodiversity; loss of aquaculture and fishing production; impacts on tourism with the closure of recreational sites; repercussions on plant, human and animal health (livestock deaths, contaminated vegetables, etc.) due to cyanotoxin poisoning; and significant economic costs for water treatment. More specifically, blooms of the Microcystis genus have been described in the literature as some of the most detrimental. Reducing these blooms is therefore a major socioeconomic challenge.

Projet MUNICET © INRAE modifié Comscience

Our central hypothesis is that the mucin–microbiome interaction is crucial in keeping the mucosa healthy and protecting the host from pathogens.

Projet exploratoire MIMISIPI © Unsplash

The super shedding of Salmonella is a health problem in the pig industry. In a previous study (PMID:36629432), researchers showed that the holobiont disruption specific to high- and low-shedder pigs follows a complex scenario. First, the host animal presented an inflammatory peak; next, a disruption of the gut microbiota was observed, including functions linked to anaerobic respiration; finally, a peak in Salmonella shedding, exacerbated in super shedders, was observed.

Project exploratoire PROCYABIOTE© Unsplash

Although agrifood systems are heavily reliant on nitrogen inputs, most crops (and especially cereals) have low nitrogen utilization efficiency (30–50%). This means that much of the nitrogen applied in agroecosystems ends up in the atmosphere or terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, which then causes the nitrogen cycle to spiral out of control, in turn leading to various problems such as eutrophication and higher nitrous oxide emissions. This nitrogen cycle is largely governed by soil microorganisms. Recent research, supported by the European Commission, has explored new strategies for more sustainable soil nitrogen management (e.g. improving nitrogen retention in agricultural systems), with the development of solutions and levers for action based on microbiota management (Theme 3 of the HOLOFLUX metaprogramme). The current scientific approach to microbial management is basically to inoculate microbial strains or consortia to make limiting nutrients bioavailable, or to implement biological control. But many questions remain about the sustainable deployment of these inoculants, and specifically their persistence, their non-target effects and the proliferation of potential invasive microorganisms.

Chicks INRAE

The EggToMeat project aims at identifying the impact of farming parameters on the flux of microbiota along the chicken production chain, from eggs to carcasses. For that purpose, two housing conditions (indoors vs outdoor range) will be compared on a single batch of embryonated eggs.


The MicroWean project focuses on the microbial colonisation of mucosal surfaces during the early days of life, a process that is essential to neonatal development.

Photo d'une mouche

The µFlyAdapt project aims to highlight the selective recruitment and role of rhizosphere microorganisms in the adaptation of a phytophagous root insect (the cabbage maggot Delia radicum) to its host plant (Brassica napus).


The HOUSE project will try to answer evolutionary science questions by mobilising microbial ecology and plant biology methods. It aims to analyse the pertinence of the holobiont concept using artificial selection of the plant, the rhizosphere microbiota, or both at the same time, in order to determine the importance of plant-microbiota interactions in the response to selection.

Marek Piwnicki - Unsplash

The HOLOPIG project concerns the microbial control of the maturation of the intestinal epithelial barrier and its long-term effects on health in mammals, We propose using the pig holobiont as a model to identify the mode of action of primocolonising bacteria on host epithelial cells.

© Comscience

The HOLOBROM project study the acquisition and transmission of microbial endophytes (i.e. living inside a plant) in the development and growth of plants. Works on cultivated species have suggested maternal effects, but they remain relatively unknown in natural ecosystems which are subject to marked environmental gradients.

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