Photo d'un troupeau de bovins


Find below the list of projects supported by HOLOFLUX related to this topic

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Azzedine Rouichi - Unsplash
The TANDEM project aims to better understand how micro-organisms in the dairy food chain respond to the changes associated with agroecological transition.
Chicks INRAE
The EggToMeat project aims at identifying the impact of farming parameters on the flux of microbiota along the chicken production chain, from eggs to carcasses. For that purpose, two housing conditions (indoors vs outdoor range) will be compared on a single batch of embryonated eggs.
© CDC - Unsplash
The MOTHERS project concerns the control of the gut microbiota in chickens. It aims to inoculate a previously selected microbiota, free of pathogens, to allow the installation of an intestinal microbiota with beneficial effects on the immune response, a barrier effect against salmonella and the improvement of the zootechnical performance of poultry.
The EnterotyPig project is part of area 1 of the metaprogramme which focuses on studying the assembly and interaction mechanisms within holobionts in farmed livestock, in this case pigs. This project concerns analysis of the genetic determinism of the host in the construction of the holobiont and its evolution over life, and a differential functional analysis of two enterotypes (i.e. types of microbiota) found to be dominant under our rearing conditions.
The MicroWean project focuses on the microbial colonisation of mucosal surfaces during the early days of life, a process that is essential to neonatal development.
Marek Piwnicki - Unsplash
The HOLOPIG project concerns the microbial control of the maturation of the intestinal epithelial barrier and its long-term effects on health in mammals, We propose using the pig holobiont as a model to identify the mode of action of primocolonising bacteria on host epithelial cells.

Modification date: 19 September 2023 | Publication date: 08 November 2021 | By: Com, DC