Marek Piwnicki - Unsplash
Exploraty project HOLOPIG (2020 - 2021)

Holopig - Determining the role of metabolites derived from the gut microbiota in the neonatal programming of epithelial cells by primocolonising bacteria in piglets

The HOLOPIG project concerns the microbial control of the maturation of the intestinal epithelial barrier and its long-term effects on health in mammals, We propose using the pig holobiont as a model to identify the mode of action of primocolonising bacteria on host epithelial cells.

Context and challenges

The primocolonisation of the gut by the microbiota plays a major role in the postnatal maturation of intestinal epithelial cells. This developmental process under microbial control has long-term consequences for digestive and immune homeostasis. Thus, early life is considered a "window of opportunity" for programming health through modulation of the microbiota. This control of microbial colonisation in young mammals can be achieved by modulating the environment in early life, by nutritional ingredients (e.g. pre/probiotics) or by microbiota transplantation. However, these tools cannot yet be used effectively because the optimal composition and functionality of the microbiota in early life is not clearly defined.


The aim of this project is to determine the role of metabolites, produced by intestinal bacteria during primocolonisation, in the programming of epithelial barrier function in early and late life, using organoid cultures and systems biology approaches.

This project will benefit:

  • Livestock production; the long-term objective being to improve animal robustness by modulating the microbiota at the start of life.
  • Humans; through the development of strategies to improve the intestinal health of neonates in the short and longer terms by optimising the content of primocolonising bacteria.


INRAE Partners

Unit / Team





PHASE - Physiologie animale et systèmes d’élevage

Fonctionnalité du microbiote intestinal, Analyses in vitro des métabolites bactériens



AlimH - Alimentation humaine

Physiologie digestive, Développement de la barrière intestinale, Nutrition, Modèle porcelet



GA - Génétique animale

Épigénétique, Bioinformatique

Non INRAE partners


Organism / Institute



CNRS (France)

Biologie des systèmes. Intégration des données omiques


AgResearch (Nouvelle-Zélande)

Physiologie, nutrition. Culture des organoïdes de porcelets


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