Projet exploratoire COMIC © INRAE
Exploratory project COMIC (2024 - 2025)

COMIC - Studying cyanobacteria–bacteria interactions in the phycosphere using in silico modelling and multi-omics in agrifood systems

Global change has led to a rise in cyanobacteria blooms, which come with serious health, environmental and economic consequences: degradation of ecosystem biodiversity; loss of aquaculture and fishing production; impacts on tourism with the closure of recreational sites; repercussions on plant, human and animal health (livestock deaths, contaminated vegetables, etc.) due to cyanotoxin poisoning; and significant economic costs for water treatment. More specifically, blooms of the Microcystis genus have been described in the literature as some of the most detrimental. Reducing these blooms is therefore a major socioeconomic challenge.


Projet exploratoire COMIC © INRAE

The consortium aims to gain a better understanding of how toxic cyanobacteria blooms form and persist by characterizing cross-feeding interactions (nutrient exchanges between microbial species) in the phycosphere between the major players in the world of plankton: cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria. To do this, we propose an interdisciplinary approach combining meta-omics, mathematical modelling and environmental chemistry tools.

COMIC will leverage skills and knowledge from a range of complementary scientific disciplines to meet its objectives.

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Project participants

INRAE structures

AQUAEABXEnvironmental metabolomics; ecotoxicology
ECODIVIEESMicrobial ecology; cyanobacteria–heterotrophic bacterial interactions
AlimHUNHEnvironmental metabolomics; microbial extract analysis; metagenomic data processing; biological networks

Partenaires extérieurs

CNRS (France)Identification of new natural compounds and prediction of their functions; software for reconstructing metabolic pathways from the genome; mathematical modelling of biological networks at community level; cyanobacterial metabolism; metabolomics 
INRIA (France)Mathematical modelling of biological networks at the community level