Exploraty project HOUSE (2020 - 2021)

HOUSE - The plant-microbiota holobiont in the rhizosphere: a selection unit?

The HOUSE project will try to answer evolutionary science questions by mobilising microbial ecology and plant biology methods. It aims to analyse the pertinence of the holobiont concept using artificial selection of the plant, the rhizosphere microbiota, or both at the same time, in order to determine the importance of plant-microbiota interactions in the response to selection.

Context and challenges

In plants, the rhizospheric microbiota is involved in many exchanges of nutrients, exudates, water, signal molecules with the plant, with major consequences for plant nutrition, immunity and development. The fidelity of association between the plant and this microbiota could be due to vertical transmission via seeds or the production of vegetative organs in clonal species. But in the end, none of these elements demonstrate that the holobiont is a real unit of selection from which adaptations emerge, as the host may simply be a habitat that systematically suits the same microbial species.


The objective is to show whether or not the plant holobiont is a unit of selection, with vertical (inter-generational) transmission of variability in microbiota composition in interaction with the host.

The microbiotas of the rhizosphere and seeds will be monitored over eight generations in a plant species with a short lifecycle, Brassica rapa. The results will make it possible to determine whether:

  1. Rhizosphere plant-microbiota interactions could be selected,  and thus whether the holobiont constitutes a selection unit;
  2. The microbiotas of the rhizosphere and seeds remain stable over generations;
  3. The transmission of micro-organisms via seeds influences the rhizosphere microbiota.

The partners will pool their expertise on the microbiota of the rhizosphere and of seeds as well as their knowledge in evolutionary science and artificial selection and the cross-generational transmission of micro-organisms

The results will enable identification of the best strategy for plant breeding programmes that take account of the microbiota.

INRAE partners

Unit / Team

Division or Affiliating institute





Institut Agro Dijon

Univ Bourgogne

Univ Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Écologie et évolution, écophysiologie végétale, sélection artificielle de communautés microbiennes. Écologie microbienne, expérimentation végétale. Écologie de la rhizosphère. Biologie moléculaire.

Bioinformatique, statistiques. 


Pôle IPM

Institut Agro Dijon

Génétique végétale et biologie moléculaire



Institut Agro Dijon

Expérimentation végétale



BAP - Biologie et amélioration des plantes

Génétique végétale et expérimentation végétale



SPE - Santé des plantes et environnement

Écologie microbienne des semences, transmission trans-générationnelle. Microbiologie et biologie moléculaire. Bioinformatique.


Contact - Coordination :

Modification date: 04 September 2024 | Publication date: 17 November 2021 | By: Com, DC