© Comscience
Exploraty project HOLOBROM (2020 - 2021)

HOLOBROM - Maternal effects and environmental filtering of microbial flux from parent plants to their offspring

The HOLOBROM project study the acquisition and transmission of microbial endophytes (i.e. living inside a plant) in the development and growth of plants. Works on cultivated species have suggested maternal effects, but they remain relatively unknown in natural ecosystems which are subject to marked environmental gradients.

Context and challenges

All living plants interact with endophytic micro-organisms that live inside plant tissues without causing any symptoms in the plant. Colonisation by a microbiota can offer significant advantages to host plants by producing a variety of metabolites which favour plant growth, improve the acquisition of water and nutrients, improve resistance to abiotic and biotic stress and offer protection against plant pathogens, insects and herbivores. As a result, endophytic microbiotas can affect several aspects of the physiology, metabolism and ecological interactions of plants, and thus play an important role in the plant phenotype. These microbiota can be transmitted both horizontally (acquired from the environment) and vertically (acquired directly from the parent through seeds). The endophytes carried by seeds are therefore particularly important because they are transmitted vertically through successive generations of plants (microbial fluxes), thus supplying valuable endosymbionts to the next generation of seeds. However, the relative importance of the horizontal and vertical transmission of microbial endophytes is not yet clear.


The main goal of HOLOBROM is to understand that part of the microbial community which is inherited from the parent plant via seeds, the degree to which microbial fluxes are influenced by local environmental conditions and how these micro-organisms regulate the germination and emergence of plantlets.

INRAE partners

Lab / Team





ECODIV - Écologie et biodiversité

Écologie fonctionnelle et écophysiologie végétale.Expérimentation et contribution aux mesures des traits fonctionnels des plantes.


Axe Patrons et Assemblages des Communautés

ECODIV - Écologie et biodiversité

Écologie des communautés microbiennes et métabarcoding. Échantillonnage pour les analyses microbiennes. Mesures d’activités fonctionnelles microbiennes. Quantification de l’abondance microbienne totale par Droplet digital PCR. Modélisation des flux microbiens entre les différents compartiments de la plante.
Écophysiologie végétale. Mesures des traits fonctionnels des plantes. Suivi et mesures des plants en pépinières.
Maths appliquées et analyse de données métagénomiques. Analyse bioinformatique et statistique des données de métabarcoding et couplage aux données fonctionnelles.

Non INRAE partners

Lab / Team

Organism / Institute




CNRS Univ Toulouse

Analyse intégrative des données ‘omiques’. Conseils sur l’utilisation du package R Mixomics. Métabolomique globale et ciblée, biochimie, spectrométrie de masse.


Écologie et
biologie de

CNRS Inserm

Écologie des communautés microbiennes et métabarcoding. Conseils sur les analyses bioinformatiques (OBITOOLs) et statistiques.

Physiology and
Development of

Univ São Paulo

Physiologie et biochimie des plantes.

Health and

Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Interaction plante-microorganismes, écologie microbienne, microscopie confocale.


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